Scarlet Nectarines

Scarlet Nectarines

All nectarines spent their previous lives as peaches. However, their actual development is a little hazy. The first documentation of the nectarine was written in English in 1616, and while peaches originated in Asia, it is unclear as to whether the nectarine did as well. A naturally occurring mutation from a peach, it’s not hard to imagine why they have many similarities. They come in two main categories, yellow-fleshed and white fleshed. The picture perfect Scarlet Nectarines at The Fruit Company have the bright yellow-orange flesh that is a perfect blend of sweet and tart. They are vibrantly red skinned, with a yellow-gold undertone, and best of all, they come fuzz-free. This is another one of those fruits that is overly juicy, so be sure to have a few napkins handy. They can serve many of the same purposes as peaches, being excellent in baked goods, in jams and jellies, canned, or in salads, though by far most commonly enjoyed fresh out of hand.

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Scarlet Nectarines Availability

Scarlet Nectarines like most stone fruit, are available in the late spring and summer. Available at about the same time as our Oregon Peaches, we generally have Scarlet Nectarines from July to September.

Scarlet Nectarines Taste & Ripeness

Nectarines ripen best if left on the counter on a breathable cloth like a tea towel. They’ll become more fragrant and soften a little as they reach their perfect level or ripeness. They’ll be deliciously sweet and juicy.