Red d'Anjou Pears

Red d'Anjou Pears

D'Anjou pears are thought to have originated in France, near the city of Angers. They appeared in the United States in 1842 and today represent 34% of the pear market. D'Anjou pears come in two different varieties: Red and Green, both of which are delectable. The two varieties, Red and Green, differ little in taste though their appearance sets them apart from each other. The Red D'Anjou pear offers a deep, luxurious maroon color that sets them apart as one of the more showy varieties, often making them prized as a centerpiece for your table. The Green D'Anjou pear has a green exterior that remains green even as it ripens. This is something of an oddity for green pears as most green varieties (Royal Williams or Bartlett for example) turn yellow as they grow ready to eat.

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Red D’Anjou Pears Availability

D'Anjou Pears are harvested in August and are best enjoyed by October, but thanks to their robust nature they are available to you all year round.

Red D’Anjou Pears Taste & Ripeness

Red D’Anjou pears—are a large, stout, white-fleshed pear variety renown for their abundant juices and sweet, brisk flavor. Like most pears, the D’Anjou ripens fully after its been harvested. Just set them out at room temperature for a couple days. Since both Red and Green D'Anjou pears will change in color only slightly as they ripen, the very best way to check the ripeness of your D'Anjou is to Check the Neck.