Pippin Newtown Apples

Pippin Newtown Apples

Discovered on Long Island in 1759, the Pippin Newtown is one of the oldest original US varieties. Thomas Jefferson grew it and Benjamin Franklin took samples to the English royal court, causing it to become one of the first US apple exports to the UK. Also known as Albemarle Pippin, the Pippin Newtown is a distinctive green, often with yellow highlights. It has a sweet, rich flavor that improves with age and is a robust variety in the kitchen. Its aromatic, tangy flesh makes the Pippin great for use in pies and applesauce. Unfortunately, it just doesn't have the high-gloss perfect appearance that American consumers have come to expect in produce, and Granny Smith has driven it from the market. If you are buying an all-purpose apple to eat rather than stare at, Pippin is your variety.

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Pippin Newtown Apples Availability

Pippin Newtown is typically harvested in September, and with proper storage we can bring them to you through the spring.

Pippin Newtown Apples Taste & Ripeness

Pippin Newtown is a distinctive green, often with yellow highlights. Its aromatic, tangy flesh makes the Pippin great for use in pies and applesauce. Primarily a processing variety, most U.S. supplies are used commercially. Apples are harvested at their peak, and then put into cold storage to maintain that perfect level of ripeness. When you receive delicious Pippin Newtown apples from The Fruit Company, they'll be ready to eat, no waiting required.