Oregon Peaches

Oregon Peaches

Our Oregon Peaches are the quintessential peach. They have the perfect velvety fuzz-covered skin, bright yellowy orange flesh, and bursting with juicy favor. They are considered free-stone peaches, with their rough-surfaced inch-long pit that easily pulls free from the flesh, making them perfect for canning or baking with. As many already know, they make great additions to salads, smoothies, baked into pies and crumbles or cooked into jams. Not to mention the age-old classic, canned halves and quarters, making them available for consumption year round. As with all peaches, they originated in China, where you can still find the only wild growing peach trees. Today, our Oregon Peaches have come a long way, being a bit larger than traditional peaches, and possessing a more complex flavor.

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Oregon Peaches Availability

The window for harvesting these little fruits is very small as they must be protected from multiple factors; they are thus harvested only in late June to early July.

Oregon Peaches Taste & Ripeness

The debate on whether or not to peel the red-blushed fuzzy skin is still heated amongst peach lovers. While most prefer to peel the thin skin, others don’t mind the extra fiber. One thing is for sure though, you’ll need a few napkins available when enjoying their juicy flesh. And remember to pop out that easy-to-remove pit. Your peaches will be ready to eat when they feel heavy for their size, and give to gentle pressure. Don’t be alarmed if the area touching your countertop flattens with the weight of the developing juice.