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Asian Pears

Imperial Asian Pears

These pears ripen a little on the early side, often by late August or early September. Unfortunately, they don't stick around too long and are typically only available until April or May.

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Asian Pears Availability

These delicious little pears have a relatively short window of availability. Harvested in October they usually only last through late winter.

About Imperial Asian Pears

Fairly "new" to the United States, Asian pears originated from Japan. There are over 1000 varieties of Asian pears, also known as "Apple Pears", but don't let the name "Apple Pear" confuse you. Although the Asian pear looks like a cross between an apple and a pear, the resemblance is only skin-deep. There are also several other differences between Asian pears and the more common European pear; Asian pears reach optimum quality when allowed to ripen on the tree (similar to apples and peaches), and they are crisper and more tart than other pears. European pears are usually harvested in while still in a green stage then allowed to ripen at room temperature and have a sweeter, more mellow taste.